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  • Miraculously we passed through Chinese customs without trouble, and the next day I retraced my steps to Qinghe Farm, alias Beijing Number One Reform-Through-Labor Detachment.

    A Prisoner's Journey 2008

  • It was in Qinghe in the early 1960s that starvation reduced me to 72 pounds.

    A Prisoner's Journey 2008

  • It was an empty field, the burial ground for those thousands of prisoners who died in Qinghe during the famine that followed Mao's collectivization of agriculture.

    A Prisoner's Journey 2008

  • The Pentagon chief said he had "very candid conversations" during his tour of the facility in Qinghe and spoke to Chinese officers about nuclear strategy.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • The Pentagon chief said he had "very candid conversations" during his tour of the facility in Qinghe and spoke to Chinese officers about nuclear strategy.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • No. 22 Gongnong Road, Qinghe District Huai'an, Jiangsu, China TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2009


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